Master en sciences de l'ingénieur industriel orientation Construction
Option gestion
in Mons
Home / Department of Sciences and Technologies / Building management
Classic course
block 1
block 2
block 3
block 1
block 2
Lesson grid : Bachelor block 1 (2024-2025)
Basics of computer science 1 (4 ECTS)
- Computer science and new technologies
- Programming techniques 1
Chemistry 1 (5 ECTS)
- General chemistry 1: theory and applications
- General chemistry 1: seminars
- Sustainable development and green chemistry
General mathematics (6 ECTS)
Rational mechanics 1 (3 ECTS)
- Mechanics: applications
- Mechanics: theory
Physics 1 (3 ECTS)
- Physics 1: labs
- Physics 1: theory and applications
Materials techniques 1 (2 ECTS)
- Materials techniques 1: applications
- Materials techniques 1: theory
Techniques in computer graphics 1 (3 ECTS)
- Technical drawing by hand
- Use of graphs
Chemistry 2 (5 ECTS)
- Chimie générale 2 : laboratoires et exercices
- General chemistry 2: theory and applications
Communication and languages (2 ECTS)
- Communication and languages: English 1
Electricity 1 (6 ECTS)
- Electricity: labs and exercises
- Electrostatics and electrokinetics
Applied mathematics 1 (6 ECTS)
- Applied analysis 1
- Geometry
Mechanics and materials science 1 (3 ECTS)
- Introduction to structural analysis
Rational mechanics 2 (5 ECTS)
- Kinematics, statics and dynamics: applications
- Kinematics, statics and dynamics: theory
Physics 2 (3 ECTS)
- Physics 2: labs
- Physics 2: theory and applications
Materials techniques 2 (2 ECTS)
- Materials techniques 2: applications
- Materials techniques 2: theory
Scientific methodology (2 ECTS)
- Methodology: Project (in Computer Science or Building)
- Scientific methodology: applications
- Scientific methodology: theory
Lesson grid : Master block 2 (2024-2025)
Managerial skills (1 ECTS)
Building site management (2 ECTS)
- Etats d'avancement et révision
- L'offre de prix, le devis
- La négociation
- La planification
- Réglementation des marchés
Hydraulics (3 ECTS)
International management and Human resources (3 ECTS)
- Contemporary management pillars
- Human resources management
- International management
Accident and environmental risks prevention (2 ECTS)
- VCA diploma course for line manager
- CO2 issue and carbon footprint
Entrepreneurial and management project (4 ECTS)
- Intercultural communication
- Entrepreneurial project
Residential HVAC project (2 ECTS)
- Sustainable certification
- Residential HVAC project
Résistance au feu des structures (1 ECTS)
Seminar on management simulation (4 ECTS)
- Preparation for management simulation
- Seminar on management simulation
Financial management (3 ECTS)
Sustainable economics (3 ECTS)
Work placements (12 ECTS)
- Work placements (min. 13 weeks)
Final dissertation (18 ECTS)
Master's studies in Industrial Engineering: Building
L'ingénieur en construction est la personne qui intervient dans la conception ainsi que dans la mise en place de systèmes techniques dans le bâtiment et dans le domaine du génie civil.
Il a la charge de la planification et de la supervision des différents chantiers dont il a la responsabilité. Son expertise s’étend de la régulation des système du bâtiment (chauffage, climatisation, …) aux ouvrages dans le génie civil (route, voirie, ponts, … ) .
L’option gestion lui permet en plus des connaissances dans le domaine de la construction d’étendre son domaine d’expertise dans le domaine de la gestion et du management.
Plus d'informations sur le parcours Ingé+
Consulter la brochure PDF
L'équipe pédagogique de la section Ingénieur en construction