HEH / International / Outgoing
HEH’s students who apply for an international exchange (Erasmus+ or another programme) have to inform directly by email the International Relations Commission (relations.internationales) – or the mobility relay within their department (follow the link Commission des Relations Internationales) around January 10 of the academic year before mobility year, in order to better organise the mobilities of the following year and to respect the requirements made by the funding providers.
Application form 2023-2024 (all types of mobilities) :
- Département des Sciences et technologies: online form
- Département des Sciences juridiques, économiques et de gestion: online form
- Département des Sciences de l'éducation et Enseignement - MONS: online form
- Département des Sciences de l'éducation et Enseignement - TOURNAI: online form
- Département des Sciences sociales MONS et TOURNAI: online form
> Selection of candidates for a mobility grant
At the institutional level, the two selection criteria of candidates for a mobility grant are the following:
Each department establishes its own selection criteria. You can get more information on the Extranet, in selecting the tab Documents > Documents pour les étudiants > Services HEH > Mobilité > Sélection et règles d'attribution de la bourse. Do not hesitate to get in touch with the mobility relay of your department or the International Relations Commission at the Central Administration.
Please note:
Below you will find two documents you will be asked to fill in to analyse your conditions of financial help granted by the Social Committee.
Note: grants are not cumulative.
a/ European funds (mobility within Europe): monthly flat rate
> Duration
Regardless the number and type of mobilities (for studies and/or placement), mobilities of maximum 12 months per academic cycle (Bachelor, Master) and per student, with a minimum of 9 weeks for professional internships and 13 weeks for academic periods.
> Eligible countries
List of the Erasmus+ programme's eligible countries
> Erasmus+ project holder guide (« Guide du porteur de projet »)
> Application rates
b/ National funds (FAMES/ERABEL/AESI-LG)
> Duration
One month equals 30 days.
> Application rates
New FAMES programme: rates 2023
> Distance calculator for travel costs
> FAME project holder guide (« Guide du porteur de projet »)
Guide du Porteur de projet Fonds nationaux (FAMES/ERABEL/AESI-LG) - Appel 2023
> Duration
One month equals 30 days.
> Erasmus Belgica project holder guide (« Guide du porteur de projet ») and application rates
Guide du porteur de projet et taux ERASMUS BELGICA Appel 2023 (see page 35)
> Duration
One month equals 30 days.
Guide du porteur de projet et taux AESI-LG Appel 2023 (see page 41)
Other possibilities of bursaries exist, for which HEH does not proceed to a selection of candidates (for instance, grants from the Committee for Development Cooperation of the Academy for Research and Higher Education (CDC of ARES) – Commission de la Coopération au Développement de l'Académie de Recherche et d'Enseignement supérieur (CCD de l'ARES)).
Three types of grants exist within the CDC for the following projects:
1/ travel grants
2/ micro-projects for students
3/ sensibilisation/mobilisation projects
For more information, please follow the following link:
Travel grants - Micro-projects for students - Mobilisation projects
Do not hesitate to read the 2021 “Guide Ulysse” brochure, published by the WBI agency (Wallonie-Bruxelles International - www.wbi.be).
> Further information about administrative formalities and insurances here
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